How Does Talabeyah APP Work

Place your order 24 - 7, anytime of the day and get your order in 24 hours GUARANTEED. We are a few clicks away!

Download Talabeyah APP

Download Talabeyah APP from the google play store for free.​

Create An Account​

Create an account with your mobile number and address.

Place your order and get it delivered the next day​

Place your order on the app, we will call you to confirm the order, prepare it and send it your way in less than 24 hours.


Let Talabeyah help you manage your inventory and stock with the most competitive pricing in the market


App Screenshots

Executive Team

Karim Nassef

CEO – CO-Founder

Amr Abbas

COO – CO-Founder

Khaled Hussein

CPO – CO-Founder

Board Members

Get In Touch

    Contact Info

    Street 252 Maadi , Cairo
    Egypt .